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Our transformer inventory includes products from such major transformer manufacturers such as Acme, Cutler Hammer, Jefferson, General Electric, GE, ITC, ITE, MGM, Siemens, Square D and Westinghouse. .

Rare voltages or physical sizes? Not a problem because we've got them in stock. Whether you are searching for an exact part number or aren't quite sure what you're looking for, SISCO Inc.'s search tools will help you find the perfect transformer for your application. It's our job to get it right the first time. .

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Displaying products 1 - 30 of 314 results
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C005-0368-​5 Micron Transforme​r
Your Price Reconditioned 1 Year Warranty: $55.00
C005-0368-​5 Micron Transforme​r
135795 Hammond Transformer 149-308-240 750VA 400/480V-120/240V
Your Price Reconditioned 1 Year Warranty: $175.00
135795 Hammond Transformer 149-308-240 750VA 400/480V-120/240V
MW0101 WICC Ltd 1000-1A Current Transformer
Your Price Reconditioned 1 Year Warranty: $25.00
MW0101 WICC Ltd 1000-1A Current Transformer
BE20792001 Basler Electric Transformer 30VA 277V-21V NIB
Your Price Reconditioned 1 Year Warranty: $50.00
BE20792001 Basler Electric Transformer 30VA 277V-21V NIB
7ASHT-102 Cutler Hammer Current Transforme​r 1000-5A
Your Price Reconditioned 1 Year Warranty: $50.00
7ASHT-102 Cutler Hammer Current Transforme​r 1000-5A
05P58-0294 Control Transformer 750VA Coiltran
Your Price Reconditioned 1 Year Warranty: $250.00
05P58-0294 Control Transformer 750VA Coiltran
AA1001TU WICC 1000/1 Current Transformer (lot of 3)
Your Price Reconditioned 1 Year Warranty: $55.00
AA1001TU WICC 1000/1 Current Transformer (lot of 3)
503-0500-0005 GTE Sylvania 4:1 Potential Transformer
Your Price Reconditioned 1 Year Warranty: $50.00
503-0500-0005 GTE Sylvania 4:1 Potential Transformer
DVE6 Andover 2.5:1 PT
Your Price Reconditioned 1 Year Warranty: $35.00
DVE6 Andover 2.5:1 PT
465-480 Instrument Transformer Crompton 480V PT 4:1
Your Price Reconditioned 1 Year Warranty: $125.00
465-480 Instrument Transformer Crompton 480V PT 4:1
56RL501 Pioneer Instrumentation 500:5 CT
Your Price Reconditioned 1 Year Warranty: $50.00
56RL501 Pioneer Instrumentation 500:5 CT
19SHT801 Instrument Transformer 800:5 CT
Your Price Reconditioned 1 Year Warranty: $50.00
19SHT801 Instrument Transformer 800:5 CT
122P876H01 Westinghouse Current Teleductor
Your Price Reconditioned 1 Year Warranty: $100.00
122P876H01 Westinghouse Current Teleductor
467-480 Flex-Core Potential Transformer 4:1
Your Price Reconditioned 1 Year Warranty: $75.00
467-480 Flex-Core Potential Transformer 4:1
115-122 Abbott Magnetic Corporation Current Transformer 1200:5
Your Price Reconditioned 1 Year Warranty: $225.00
115-122 Abbott Magnetic Corporation Current Transformer 1200:5
SE12NCT2 481162-104-51 Square D Micrologic Neutral Current Transformer
Your Price Reconditioned 1 Year Warranty: $450.00
SE12NCT2 481162-104-51 Square D Micrologic Neutral Current Transformer
1257C88G01 Westinghouse Ground Fault Sensor
Your Price Reconditioned 1 Year Warranty: $450.00
1257C88G01 Westinghouse Ground Fault Sensor
7524A63G01 Westinghouse Current Transformer 2000:5
Your Price Reconditioned 1 Year Warranty: $250.00
7524A63G01 Westinghouse Current Transformer 2000:5
170R-401 Square D Current Transformer 400:5
Your Price Reconditioned 1 Year Warranty: $325.00
170R-401 Square D Current Transformer 400:5
6SFT-601 Abbott Magnetics Current Transformer 600:5
Your Price Reconditioned 1 Year Warranty: $35.00
6SFT-601 Abbott Magnetics Current Transformer 600:5
81-601 Abbott Magnetics Current Transformer 600:5 NIB
Your Price Reconditioned 1 Year Warranty: $65.00
81-601 Abbott Magnetics Current Transformer 600:5 NIB
7RL-301 Abbott Magnetics Current Transformer 300:5
Your Price Reconditioned 1 Year Warranty: $45.00
7RL-301 Abbott Magnetics Current Transformer 300:5
6RL-301 Abbott Magnetics Current Transformer 300:5
Your Price Reconditioned 1 Year Warranty: $35.00
6RL-301 Abbott Magnetics Current Transformer 300:5
5SFT-201 Abbott Magnetics Current Transformer 200:5
Your Price Reconditioned 1 Year Warranty: $20.00
5SFT-201 Abbott Magnetics Current Transformer 200:5
7CM-502 Electromagnetic Industries Inc Current Transformer 500:5
Your Price Reconditioned 1 Year Warranty: $55.00
7CM-502 Electromagnetic Industries Inc Current Transformer 500:5
5RBL-102 Current Transformer 1000:5
Your Price Reconditioned 1 Year Warranty: $45.00
5RBL-102 Current Transformer 1000:5
MW0532-1 WICC 1000:1A Current Transformer
Your Price Reconditioned 1 Year Warranty: $35.00
MW0532-1 WICC 1000:1A Current Transformer
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